Gay Mosby

A resident of Phillip Island for over twenty years, I have worked in many mediums before discovering a passion for ceramics.

I love wandering our beautiful beaches and observing the infinite patterns formed by the gradual weathering of the rocks and have been exploring the concept of erosion through clay. Intricate patterns are achieved by a process of washing away certain areas of the piece.

Of late I have also been experimenting with clay as a blank canvas and exploring various finishes and effects which may be achieved using objects from nature. These pieces are low fired to ensure they remain porous enough to absorb. They are then super heated in a specially constructed Raku kiln, removed while extremely hot and have natural materials applied to them, melting into and smoking the surface.

Printing onto the clay is also becoming a passion and I intend to produce more works using this method of decoration in the near future.

All of my pieces are one off and, whilst they may form part of a series, each one is individual and unique.

Diploma of Ceramics, Chisholm.
Advanced Diploma Creative Product Development, Chisholm
Winner Best Work Depicting the Natural Environment of Phillip and Churchill Island, Artists Society of Phillip Island Easter Show.

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