Jenny Jackson

My tertiary training was a B.A.[Melb] with majors in psychology and economics. Only one lonely unit of fine arts!
Drawing has always come naturally to me but it wasn’t until I had small children that I took painting classes. Melbourne has had some fantastic watercolourists so I have done classes, workshops and trips with David Taylor and Alvaro Castegnet. As well as painting, I have kept up very regular life drawing classes [and taught life drawing].
I’ve learnt impressionist oil painting from Max Wilks and oil portraiture from Lee Machelak but will always prefer watercolour. It is the challenge of controlling the uncontrollable with the possibility of amazing results, strong or delicate and quite often completely accidental.

I belong to the Victorian Artist’s Society, the Watercolour Society of Australia and both local art societies.
I have won many local prizes- Watercolour, ‘Best in Show’ and Rotary club prizes in Melbourne but I’m probably best known for my many People’s Choice awards.

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